Terms & Conditions
All information and material published on this website is provided for general purposes only. The information provided does not constitute legal advice, and use of the website or contact forms does not create an attorney and client relationship. If you have a specific question or legal problem and require a direct answer, or if you wish to ensure information exchanged is protected by the attorney and client relationship, please consult our lawyers directly.
We make every effort to ensure the content on this website is updated regularly, and that we provide the most recent information and opinion however, we cannot be held responsible for any inaccuracy, errors, misinterpretations or omissions. We accept no responsibility, whether direct or consequential, for any loss or damage that may arise from using or relying on the information contained in these pages.
Through use of the website permission is granted to access the pages contained therein, and to download the contents on a temporary basis. Copies of any page or pages are to be kept only on a temporary basis for the purpose of viewing on a single computer or monitor, and not part of the website may be permanently copied, reproduced or otherwise re-distributed without the consent of DMM Pros
DMM Pros may make changes to the content of these Terms and Conditions or the content of the site at any time, and all rights remain strictly reserved.
No warranty is given that any files, downloads or applications available via this website are free of viruses which have the ability to corrupt your system.